Cross Country 2019

Helping Out

We currently have 23 runners out for the Cross Country team this year, which is awesome!!  After speaking to several parents the last few days, we have realized there is some interest in helping out the team.  We have seven meets this year, four of them are after school and three of them are on Saturdays.  It would be amazing if we could have snacks brought in for the runners on meet days.  The students are often ravenous after running in their race, and usually have an hour or two before they can get home and eat a meal.  Having snacks isn’t something we have done in the past, but if there is interest and people are able, we would love to start this tradition. 

In a perfect world, the runners would each get a granola bar (or something similar) and a banana (or another fruit) for each meet.  If you can provide granola bars or something similar, you could send it with your student or drop it off after practice and I can keep it in my backroom.  If you can provide bananas (Aldi typically has them for about 0.35 per pound) or another type of fruit, you can bring them to the meet or send it with your student the day of.  Since fruit is perishable, I would need to know which meet you would provide for.  Below is a list of meet dates.  If you would be able to provide perishable snacks for a particular meet, please send an email to and let me know which date(s)!  If you would be able to provide non-perishable snacks, please send an email to and let me know.   You can send them in with your runners in the next few weeks and I’ll divide them up for our meet schedule! 

Saturday, September 13th
Thursday, September 18th
Saturday, September 20th
Thursday, September 25th
Saturday, September 27th
Wednesday, October 1st
Thursday, October 9th

We also have the opportunity to raise money for Cross Country on Saturday, October 11th.   This money will help us buy materials and needed items for next season.  There is a volleyball tournament at WMS that day, and Cross Country is signed up to work the concession stand.  This is a great fundraising activity for us.  We would need at least one parent volunteer to be present, and at least three runners.  This would go from 9:30am – approximately 3:00pm.  We realize this is a longer time commitment, so we’re hoping we can get several parents and numerous students to divide up the time.  Please let us know if you would be available to help out, and what time frame you will be able to work.   Concession stand working is fairly simple and easy, so we hope we can make this work for the team! 

Thank you so much for all of the support!  If you have any questions or ideas, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Happy Running!

Coach Gailliez & Coach Kost


The Cross Country season is now in full swing and we want to give you a few date reminders!

Cross Country T-Shirt orders are due by THIS FRIDAY (August 29th).  This will ensure we have our shirts for the first meet.  Shirts are not required and are an optional purchase. Runners should have order forms to bring home, but if not, you can always send money with your student and we can have them fill out the order form at practice.

Cross Country pictures will be NEXT Wednesday (September 3rd).  Runners will be getting purchasing information tonight at practice.  Also, feel free to check out the packages online at  (you can also pre-pay online through their website!).

Happy Running,
Coach Gailliez & Coach Kost

Shirt Preview!

Order forms will be given out on the first day of practice!

Happy Running,
Coach Gailliez