Cross Country 2019

League Meet Information - Saturday, May 5th

USD231 District Activities Complex – 425 N Waverly, Gardner, KS 66030

Schools:  Baldwin, Eudora, Louisburg, Ottawa, Paola, Pioneer Ridge, Spring Hill, Trail Ridge and Wheatridge

DATE/TIME OF MEET: Saturday, May 5th 9:00 am Gardner Edgerton District Activities Complex
 (Rain date - Monday, May 7th 1:00 PM)

Saturday - 8:30 AM – Head Coaches Meeting in the press box.

9:00 - Field events begin All High Jumps, Shot Put: 7G, 8B, Discus: 7B, 8G, PoleVault: 7G(SouthPit), 8B(NorthPit)

9:45- 8th Boys Long Jump NE Pit followed by 7G

10:00 - *3200 M Run (7th Grade Boys and Girls)
10:30 –* 3200 Boys (8th Grade Boys and Girls)
*In the event we have too many entries to combine the 3200 M races, they will run 7G-7B-8G-8B beginning at 9:00. Coaches will be notified via email after entries are entered by 2:00 PM 5/4/18.
11:30 - Prelims begin (100 M, 200 M, 100 H,)
Finals will begin 15 minutes after the prelims end

ADMISSION: Track athletes, coaches, managers, administrators, and bus drivers will be marked and admitted free of charge upon arrival. All others will pay as follows: Adults $3.00 and Students $2.00.

ENTRIES: Schools may enter a maximum of 3 individuals per event.
Schools may enter a maximum of one (1) team per relay.
Participants may be entered in three (3) individual events and one (1) relay.

Live results can be found at the following web address:


Shot Put and Discus areas are directly west of the track behind the soccer field.
Long Jump areas are on the east side of the track.
Pole Vault is on the east side of the track.
High jump areas are on the north and south ends of the track

USD231 District Activities Track
SCORING: All events 10-8-6-4-3-2-1
Field events will have 3 preliminary jumps or throws. The top 8 participants will go to the finals
and have 3 additional jumps or throws.
Sprint races will take 8 to the finals. Heat winners and next fastest times will advance to the finals.

STARTING HEIGHTS: Will be 2 heights below the 7th place entry.

AWARDS & RESULTS: In all events, medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishes. Ribbons will be awarded for 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th place finishes. Throughout the day, results will be posted on the west side of the stadium. Medals and ribbons will be placed in a packet for each school. They may be picked up in the press box at the conclusion of the meet.

SURFACES: The Shot and Discus rings are concrete. The eight lane track and jump areas are all-weather rubber. Spikes longer than 1/4 inch are not allowed. Starting blocks will be provided.

LOCKER ROOMS: Locker rooms are not available. Each school will be responsible for their own valuables.

TEAM CAMPS: The area on the south and east of the track is the best location for camp. Camps can also be set outside the fence on the north end. Please do not set up team camps on the football field or near competition areas. You may also advise your spectators that lawn chairs will be allowed in areas around the outside of the track.


T-SHIRTS: League Meet shirts will be available for $10. We will order shirts and they will be available on a first come basis.  Encourage and plan for athletes to purchase them as they arrive as they will be available to the public and could sell out.

BUS PARKING: Buses may drop off at the track. We would ask for them to park on the North side of GEHS. Buses should be available all day in case of inclement weather.  

CONCESSIONS: There will be a concession stand on the South end of the track. Restrooms are available in multiple locations around the stadium.

QUESTIONS: E-mail John McIntire at



Saturday May 5th

9:00 AM - Preliminaries (finals immediately after prelims)

High Jump- 7G NE Pit (Wheatridge)
High Jump- 8B NW Pit (Louisburg)
High Jump- 7B SW Pit (Spring Hill)
High Jump- 8G SE Pit (Eudora)

Pole Vault- 7 Girls South Pit followed by 8th Girls (Pioneer Ridge)
Pole Vault- 8th Boys North Pit followed by 7th Boys (Trail Ridge)

Shot Put- 7G North Ring followed by 7B (Wheatridge)
Shot Put – 8B South Ring followed by 8G (Eudora)

Discus- 7B South Ring followed by 8B (Trail Ridge)
Discus- 8G North Ring followed by 7G (Baldwin)

9:45 AM – 8B Long Jump NE Pit followed by 7G (Spring Hill)

10:30 AM Preliminaries (finals immediately after prelims)

Long Jump - 8G NW Pit (Paola)
Long Jump 7B SE Pit (Ottawa)


10:00 AM
7th Grade 3200 M Run

10:30 AM
8th Grade 3200 M Run

11:30 AM – Preliminaries
100 M Dash
200 M Dash
100 M Hurdles (7th 30”, 8th 33”)

15 Minute Break

Finals Begin (order will be 7G, 7B, 8G, 8B)

100 M Hurdles (7th 30”, 8th 33”)                                                 4x200 M Relay
100 M Dash                                                                              800 M Run
1600 M Run                                                                             200 M Dash
4x100 M Relay                                                                         Sprint Medley Relay (100-100-200-400)
400 M Dash                                                                              4x400 M Relay

Spring Hill Invitational Information

Spring Hill Middle School Invitational Track Meet Tuesday, May 1st, 2018 @ 3:45pm

Spring Hill District Stadium - 301 E South Street, 66083

Schools: Louisburg, Ottawa, Spring Hill, Trail Ridge, Wheatridge

Each school is allowed a maximum of 3 entries per grade/gender/event. Heats will be set according to entry times. NO PRELIMS, ALL RACES ARE FINAL.

Medals awarded to the top three places in each event (gender/grade).

Each competitor will be given 4 attempts in the Shot Put, Discus, and Long Jump.
*Shot and Discus areas are North of the track area. GIRLS SHOT - North Ring BOYS SHOT – South Ring GIRLS DISCUS – North Ring BOYS DISCUS – South Ring
*Long Jump area: GIRLS – North end of the track; BOYS – southeast side of the track.
*High Jump area is at the North end of the track – 2 pits (BOYS & GIRLS). Starting heights for each grade/gender will be set after entries are submitted
*Pole Vault area is on the East side of the track (BOYS & GIRLS) Starting heights for each grade/gender will be set after entries are submitted.

Field Event Order: Shot Put: 7G, 8G – North Ring; 8B,7B – South Ring Discus: 8G, 7G North Ring; 7B, 8B – South Ring Long Jump: 7G, 8G – North Pit; 8B, 7B – SE Pit High Jump: 8G, 7G East Pit, - 7B, 8B West Pit – North end of the stadium Pole Vault: 7G, 7B, 8G, 8B, – Northeast side of the track

RUNNING EVENTS WILL BEGIN AT 4:30PM with the 3200 Run.
 Please listen to the announcer for events to be called.
Order of Running Events: 7G,, 7B, 8G, 8B
3200m Run 7&8
100m Hurdles
100m Dash
1600m Run
4x100m Relay
400m Dash
Throwers Relay
4x200m Relay
800m Run
200m Dash
Medley Relay
4x400m Relay
Scoring: 5 teams: Individual Events 8-6-4-2-1 Relay Events: 8-6-4-2

*Overflow & Bus Parking: Please have your bus park in the SHMS North Lot located just north of the stadium after dropping off participants. Additional car parking is in the North Lot as well.

Wellsville Relay Information

The piece of paper given at practice on Wednesday notes if an athlete is going to Wellsville, please talk with your child if you have any questions about participation.

Wellsville Middle School Eagle Relays
Thursday, April 26th, 2018

The City of Wellsville is under a boil order for water issues they've had recently. Please send extra bottled water for your athlete for this meet. The restrooms are functional, so there shouldn't be any issues there. 

Teams:  Eudora, Osawatomie, Paola, Pioneer Ridge, Spring Hill, Wheatridge, and Wellsville

Format:  There will only be two divisions, boys and girls. Mixed teams (7th & 8th) may be used.

Starting Heights: Boys Pole Vault 6’6 High Jump 4’4, Girls PV 5’06 HJ 4’0

Scoring: We will keep a Girl’s score and a Boy’s score for each school.  With seven teams attending, the scoring will be 10-8-6-4-2-1 in all events.

Awards:  Medals will be awarded to the first place team in the relay events.  In the hurdles and field events, medals will be awarded to the first place team and the first place individual in each event.

Time Schedule:
3:15 Drawing for Lanes in Blue Shed
Field Events -- 3:30
Running Events --4:45
Starter: Jim Shoemaker

Order of Events: Notes:

Shot Put 3-person teams Boys and Girls North of Gym
Discus 3-person teams Boys-West Ring Girls-East Ring
Long Jump 3-person teams Boys-North Pit    Girls-South Pit
High Jump 3-person teams Boys-North Pad Girls-South Pad
Pole Vault 2 person teams Boys first followed by girls.

Team Hurdles 30” for everyone
Distance Medley 400-400-800-1600
Sprint Medley 100-100-200-400


Pioneer Ridge Meet - Tuesday, April 24th

Here is the information for the PRMS Meet!

FIELD EVENT ORDER:  All will begin at 3:30
Shot Put:  7G, 8G (North Range) 7B, 8B (South Range)
Discus:  8B, 7B (West Range) 8G, 7G (East Range)
Long Jump:  7B, 8B (West Pit)  7G, 8G (East Pit)
High Jump: 8B, 7B (South Pit),  8G, 7G (North Pit)
      Pole Vault:  8B, 7B, 8G, 7G (North Pit)

ORDER  OF RUNNING EVENTS:  Will begin at 3:45 (7th and 8th 3200) and 4:15 (All other races –
7G, 7B, 8G, 8B)
3200M Run - 7th and 8th grade boys and girls will run this race together starting at 3:45.
100M  Hurdles
100M  Dash
1600M  Run
400M  Relay
400M  Run
800M  Relay
800M  Run
200M Dash
Medley Relay (100-100-200-400)

1600  Relay

This is our LAST UNLIMITED meet of the season. All athletes will be told on Wednesday if they are continuing on with their season and will be given a piece of paper with specific meet information for your convenience.


Athletes - please wear your uniform and sweats to practice on Monday, April 16th to be ready for PICTURE DAY!

Parents - Take advantage of pre-pay online at

Athletes should have forms for pictures after practice on Friday!

Meet Information for Tuesday, April 17th!

Tuesday April 17, 2018
Eudora, Paola @ TRMS

***Due to construction in the track and field area at WMS we will be
using the facilities at Trail Ridge Middle School for this meet***
495 E Grand St, Gardner, KS 66030


There will be a $3.00 (adult) and $2.00 (student) admission fee.


FIELD EVENT ORDER:  All will begin at 3:45 p.m.
      Shot Put:  7B, 8B (West Ring) 8G, 7G (East Ring)
      Discus:      8B, 7B (East Ring) 7G, 8G (West Ring)
      Long Jump:  7B, 7G (South Pit), 8G, 8B (North Pit)
      High Jump: 7G, 8G , 8B, 7B
Pole Vault:  7G-7B-8G-8B

Black Squirrel Timing will be timing our meet.   

Live results will be available using the following link:
Click on WMS results.

3200M Run - (7th & 8th B&G together ) will begin at 4:15
Will begin at ~ 4:45 - 7G, 7B, 8G, 8B
100M Hurdles
100M Dash
1600M Run
400M Relay
400M Run
800M Relay
800M Run
200M Dash
Medley Relay (100-100-200-400)
1600M Relay

A concession stand will be available.  


We are in need of helpers for our home meet on Tuesday, April 17th that is being held at TRMS!!!  The areas that we need help in are the field events (Long Jump, High Jump, Pole Vault, Shot Put, Discus) – the more workers we have the quicker and more efficient we can run our meet.

If you would be willing and available to help us out, please email John McIntire ( and let him know as soon as possible!!   We will do our best to match you up with an event that your child will be competing.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to help the WMS Track team!

Spring Hill Press Release

The Wheatridge Middle School Track team traveled to Spring Hill on Tuesday, April 10th for their first
meet of the season!

The 8th grade girls’ team took second place and had many stand out performances.  Fourth place
finishes were Tynee Leggett in the 400m run and Hailey Sullivan in the 800m run.  Third place finishes
were Zoey Edwards in the 1600m run and the 800m run, Tynee Leggett in the 200m dash, and
Savannah Balong in the High Jump. Second place finishers were the 4x100 team (Garden, Herriott,
Leggett, Sullivan), the 4x200 team (Balog, Ham, Shipps, Turner ), and the Sprint Medley (Garden,
Ham, Roberts, Shipps).  Kiersten Markos earned a first place finish in the Shot Put with a throw of
35’8 and Ryanne Ham tied for first in the Pole Vault with a height of 8’0.

The 7th grade girls all had great first meet of the season.  Abri Leiker took fourth place in the 100m
dash and third in the Long Jump.  Hannah Elliott took third in the 800m run and second in the 1600m
run, and Harmony Hockman took second in the Shot Put.  First place winners were Natalie Yarbrough
in the 100m Hurdles with a time of 13.14, Makenna Bartels in the Pole Vault with a height of 7’0, and
the Sprint Medley (Bell, Elliott, Leiker, Yarbrough) with a time of 2:12.82.

The 8th grade boys’ team took second place and had many great performances.  Fourth place
finishers were Alek Stevanov in the Long Jump and Collin Smith in the Pole Vault.  Third place
finishers Alek Stevanov in both the 100m dash and the 200m dash, and Trent Glaser in the 800m run.  
The 4x100 team (Glaser, Gonzalez, Smith, Walker) took second place and so did Jake McClure in
the 400m run. First place finishers were Shane Chambers in the 3200m run with a time of 13:05,
Jake McClure in the 1600m run with a time of 5:35 and in the Long Jump with a jump of 18’2.5’’, and
the Sprint Medley team (McClure, Smith, Stevanov, Whitlow) with a time of 2:02.37.

The 8th grade boys all had great first meet of the season.  Fourth place finishers were Cooper Nichols
in the 100m dash, Leo Schranz in the 400m run and the 800m run, Garrett Parks in the 200m dash,
and David Taylor in the Shot Put.  Third place finishers were Jason Leyritana in the 100m dash,
Tyler Utter in the 1600m run, Kyler Leadbetter in the 400m run, Chris Easley in the Long Jump,
and Pierson Carlisle in Pole Vault.  Second place finishers were Jackson Elsey in the 1600m run,
Gage Graham in the 800m run, the Sprint Medley team (Carlisle, Graham, Gulick, Schranz), the
4x400 team (Easley, Elsey, Leadbetter, Terrazas), and Cooper Nichols in the Shot Put.  First place
winners were Chance Henson in the 400m run with a time of 1:06.46, the 4x100 team (Leyritana,
Nichols, Parks, Schroeter) with a time of 1:03.93, and the 4x200 team (Graham, Henson, Nichols,
Pascarelli) with a time of 2:06.88.

The team is looking forward to competing at their home meet on Tuesday, April 17th.

Louisburg Information Again :)

Please read through and familiarize yourself with the informational
letter provided by Louisburg.

Louisburg District Stadium
Located next to Broadmoor Elementary School

GATE: We will be charging $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for students per league rules.

TEAMS: Ottawa, Louisburg, Wheatridge


TIME: We will begin the field events at 3:45, have your warmups completed by then.
3:45 – Field events begin
3:45 – 3200 M Run (7th and 8th grade may run together)
4:15 – Running events begin

SCORING: Open events 5-3-2-1, Relays 5-3

SURFACES: The Shot and Discus rings are concrete. The eight lane track and jump areas are all
weather rubber. Spikes longer than 1/4 inch are not allowed. Starting blocks will be provided.

Shot rings are south of the track, Girls east, Boys west
Discus rings are south of the track, Girls east, Boys west
High Jump is inside of the track on the north end,
Long Jump runways are on the north end of the track, Girls northeast pit, Boys northwest pit
Pole Vault runways are on the east side of the track

STARTING HIGH JUMP HEIGHTS: 7G 3’6” 8G 3’8” 7B 3’8” 8B 4’0”

STARTING POLE VAULTS HEIGHTS: 7G 5’0” 8G 5’0” 7B 5’0” 8B 5’6”
Starting heights may be adjusted after entries are received.

BUS PARKING: On the south and west side of the elementary building. NOT in the stadium parking lot.

LOCKER ROOMS: Are not available. Each school is responsible for their own valuables.  

TEAM CAMPS: Should be in the visitors’ stands located on the east side or in the grass areas by the
visitors’ stands, well away from the track. No students allowed on the football field.

GENERAL INFORMATION: There WILL NOT be any preliminary rounds. All running events will
be finals (fastest heats first). There will be 3 throws and long jumps. No students are allowed in the infield
this year.  The students will be expected to be in the stands or along the sides of the track.

CONCESSIONS: There will be a concession stand.  


3:45 PM          FIELD EVENTS – No Preliminary Rounds

7G Long Jump
8B Long Jump                     **Discus and Shot rings are outside the stadium, south of the parking lot.
7G Shot
7B Shot
8G Discus
8B Discus
Girls Pole Vault (7th & 8th together)
High Jump (north pit) order:  8G, 7G, 7B, 8B

Followed by:
8G Long Jump
7B Long Jump
8G Shot
8B Shot
7G Discus
7B Discus
Boys Pole Vault (7th & 8th together)

3:45 PM        RUNNING EVENTS – All Events Timed Finals

3200 M Run (may be combined)  7th and 8th grade Girls and Boys may be combined depending
on number of entries

4:00 PM       (Event order will be 7G, 7B, 8G, 8B)
100 M Hurdles (7th 30”, 8th 33”)
100 M Dash
1600 M Run
4x100 M Relay
400 M Dash
4x200 M Relay
800 M Run
200 M Dash
Sprint Medley Relay (100-100-200-400)
4x400 M Relay