If you are planning on coming to cheer on your runner for this meet, please click on the calendar to get the address and driving directions.
The bus is leaving at 10:30!!!! Please do not have your athlete to the school before 10:00, as there will be no adult supervision, and we want to keep all the kids safe! We will remind runners to call home when we are leaving the meet to ensure parents know when to pick up their athlete. You are also welcome to sign your runner out after their race and take them home from the meet.
The bus is leaving at 10:30!!!! Please do not have your athlete to the school before 10:00, as there will be no adult supervision, and we want to keep all the kids safe! We will remind runners to call home when we are leaving the meet to ensure parents know when to pick up their athlete. You are also welcome to sign your runner out after their race and take them home from the meet.
*Updated* Running Schedule:
1:00 7th Grade Girls
1:15 7th Grade Boys
1:40 8th Grade Girls
2:00 8th Grade Boys
Top 15 runners in each race will get a medal. All medals will be handed out in the chute.
There will be meet shirts sold and concessions available at the shelter house.
Cars can park across the street in the open parking lot.
Results will be available on the website: www.eagleeyefat.com
COURSE MAPS (7th then 8th):
These are the course maps from last years. I was told that the courses should be very similar, if not identical to last year.

If you have any questions about this meet or the season in general, please contact us!
Happy Running,
Coach Kost & Coach Horne
These are the course maps from last years. I was told that the courses should be very similar, if not identical to last year.

If you have any questions about this meet or the season in general, please contact us!
Happy Running,
Coach Kost & Coach Horne