Cross Country 2019

Eudora Middle School CC Invitational & Frontier League Meet - Thursday, October 8th

Here is all the important information for our last meet on Thursday, October 8th. If you are planning on coming to cheer on your runner for this meet, please click on the calendar to get the address and driving directions. RUNNER TRANSPORTATION: We will be leaving school early on Thursday, runners will be missing part of their 8th hour Guided Studies class. Be expecting a student pick up between 6:00-6:30. We will always remind students to call home when we are leaving the meet to ensure parents know when to pick up their athlete. You are also welcome to sign your runner out after their race and take them home from the meet.

7th Grade Girls                                                4:00                 1 Mile
7th Grade Boys                                                4:15                 1 Mile
8th Grade Girls                                                4:30                 2 Mile
8th Grade Boys                                                5:00                 2 Mile
Frontier League awards presents                      5:45
**All races will run ahead of schedule if possible.**

Located in the school. Enter through the patio doors. NO SPIKES IN THE BUILDINGS!

Will be handed out in the chute as runners finish (top 15 in 7G, 7B, 8G, 8B receive medals).

League medals and ribbons will be presented to the top 10 runners in 7G, 7B, 8G, 8B
(top 3 receive medals, 4th-10th receive ribbons).


7th Grade
8th Grade

Happy Running!
Coach Kost & Coach Horne