Cross Country 2019

PRMS Meet Information - 9.28.16

Pioneer Ridge Middle School Meet

Wednesday, September 28th

Location: The meet will be held at the Celebration Park Cross Country Course, just north of Pioneer Ridge Middle School (16200 Kill Creek Rd.) in Gardner.
Shoes: The course has a variety of surfaces involved in it including concrete, asphalt, dirt and grass. Spiked shoes are prohibited.
Time Schedule:
7th grade girls – 4:00 p.m. (1 mile)
7th grade boys ~4:15 p.m. (1 mile)
8th grade girls ~4:35 p.m. (2 miles)
8th grade boys ~4:55 p.m. (2 miles)

Medals: Medals will be passed out in the chute to the top ten finishers in each race.
Timing: The meet will be timed using Ticker Timing.