Cross Country 2019

Louisburg Meet Information


It will now be the second meet of our season!!!

This week will follow the normal practice week schedule

Please read through and familiarize yourself with the informational
letter provided by Louisburg.

Louisburg District Stadium
Located next to Broadmoor Elementary School

GATE: We will be charging $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for students per league rules.

TEAMS: Ottawa, Louisburg, Wheatridge


TIME: We will begin the field events at 3:45, have your warmups completed by then.
3:45 – Field events begin
3:45 – 3200 M Run (7th and 8th grade may run together)
4:15 – Running events begin

SCORING: Open events 5-3-2-1, Relays 5-3

SURFACES: The Shot and Discus rings are concrete. The eight lane track and jump areas are all
weather rubber. Spikes longer than 1/4 inch are not allowed. Starting blocks will be provided.

Shot rings are south of the track, Girls east, Boys west
Discus rings are south of the track, Girls east, Boys west
High Jump is inside of the track on the north end,
Long Jump runways are on the north end of the track, Girls northeast pit, Boys northwest pit
Pole Vault runways are on the east side of the track

STARTING HIGH JUMP HEIGHTS: 7G 3’6” 8G 3’8” 7B 3’8” 8B 4’0”

STARTING POLE VAULTS HEIGHTS: 7G 5’0” 8G 5’0” 7B 5’0” 8B 5’6”
Starting heights may be adjusted after entries are received.

BUS PARKING: On the south and west side of the elementary building. NOT in the stadium parking lot.

LOCKER ROOMS: Are not available. Each school is responsible for their own valuables.  

TEAM CAMPS: Should be in the visitors’ stands located on the east side or in the grass areas by the
visitors’ stands, well away from the track. No students allowed on the football field.

GENERAL INFORMATION: There WILL NOT be any preliminary rounds. All running events will
be finals (fastest heats first). There will be 3 throws and long jumps. No students are allowed in the infield
this year.  The students will be expected to be in the stands or along the sides of the track.

CONCESSIONS: There will be a concession stand.  


3:45 PM          FIELD EVENTS – No Preliminary Rounds

7G Long Jump
8B Long Jump                     **Discus and Shot rings are outside the stadium, south of the parking lot.
7G Shot
7B Shot
8G Discus
8B Discus
Girls Pole Vault (7th & 8th together)
High Jump (north pit) order:  8G, 7G, 7B, 8B

Followed by:
8G Long Jump
7B Long Jump
8G Shot
8B Shot
7G Discus
7B Discus
Boys Pole Vault (7th & 8th together)

3:45 PM        RUNNING EVENTS – All Events Timed Finals

3200 M Run (may be combined)  7th and 8th grade Girls and Boys may be combined depending
on number of entries

4:00 PM       (Event order will be 7G, 7B, 8G, 8B)
100 M Hurdles (7th 30”, 8th 33”)
100 M Dash
1600 M Run
4x100 M Relay
400 M Dash
4x200 M Relay
800 M Run
200 M Dash
Sprint Medley Relay (100-100-200-400)
4x400 M Relay

Spring Break Workouts

We hope you are all enjoying your SPRING BREAK and you are getting some running in on your time off!!!



Long/Middle Distance Track Workout – Spring Break 2018
You can choose which days to do which workouts.  You can do two road runs back to back, but do not do two interval days back to back.  
On Road Run days and Interval days, you need to have a proper warm up and cool down.  
Warm Up – ½ mile run (if you aren’t at the track, run slowly for five minutes)
Dynamic Stretches – try to do as many from the beginning of practice as you can remember
Road Run or Intervals
Cool down – ½ mile run (if you aren’t at the track, run slowly for five minutes)
Static Stretches – if you have a partner, do stretches from practice.  If you do not have a partner, these are stretches where you hold a stretch for a 10-15 second count and repeat several times.  
From Friday March 9th through Saturday March 19th, please try to get 5-6 days of running completed.  Please keep track of what you do so Ms. Gailliez can start you in the proper place when we come back from Spring Break.
Road Runs:
  1. 2.5 – 3 mile road run
    • From track to the BEGINNING of the high school and back (straight down Madison):  2.5 miles
    • From track to the road PAST the high school (straight down Madison to Waverly) and back: 3.0 miles

  1. 2-4.5 mile road run (You decide which one you are ready for.)
    • From track to Greenway where the path splits.  Stay RIGHT and run FIVE TIMES around the small loop (you’ll be circling around the playground).  Run back to the track the way you came:  ~2.0 miles
    • From track to Greenway where the path splits.  Stay LEFT and run until the path splits again.  Run the BIG LOOP ONCE.  Run back to the track the way you came:  ~2.25 miles
    • From track to Greenway where the path splits.  Stay LEFT and run until the path splits again.  Run the BIG LOOP TWICE.  Run back to the track the way you came:  ~3.0 miles
    • From track to Greenway where the path splits.  Stay LEFT and run until the path splits again.  Run the BIG LOOP THREE TIMES.  Run back to the track the way you came:  ~3.75 miles
    • From track to Greenway where the path splits.  Stay LEFT and run until the path splits again.  Run the BIG LOOP FOUR TIMES.  Run back to the track the way you came:  ~4.5 miles
  1. Repeat 400’s (once around the track).  These should be run as quickly as you possibly can run (race pace).  Give yourself a 2-3 minute rest period between each new interval.
    • Beginners:  3 x 400
    • Intermediate:  4 x 400
    • Advanced:  6 x 400

  1.  Repeat 800’s (twice once around the track).  These should be run as quickly as you possibly can run (race pace).  Give yourself a 4 minute rest period between each new interval.
    • Beginners:  1 x 800
    • Intermediate:  2 x 800
    • Advanced:  4 x 800

  1. Ladders.  These should be run as quickly as you possibly can run (race pace).  

    • Run a 100
    • Walk back to the start line.
    • Run a 200
    • Walk back to the start line.
    • Run a 300
    • Walk back to the start line.
    • Run a 400
    • Take a 3 minute break.
    • Run a 800
    • Walk one lap.
    • Run a 400
    • Take a 3 minute break.
    • Run a 300
    • Walk back to the start line.
    • Run a 200
    • Walk back to the start line.
    • Run a 100
    • Walk back to the start line.

-WMS Coaches