Cross Country 2019

We just received this information from the Athletic Director at the high school and wanted to pass it along.  If you want to take part in this, please send me an email ( and I will send you the PDF form for the permission form.

Happy Running,
Coach Gailliez

Parents of Athletes,


USD 231 has had additional requests for students to take the ImPact Test for concussion baseline data information.  There will be testing sessions this Thursday, August 22nd and Friday, August 23rd from 3:30 to 5:00 PM in the GEHS Media Center.  If your son or daughter is involved in Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Cheer, Dance, Basketball, Wrestling, High Jump, Pole Vault, Baseball, or Softball this free test is available to students grades 7-12.  Please see the attachments for additional information.  Parents are not required to attend with the students but a parent permission form is required and attached. Please take advantage of the additional testing dates if possible.  Thanks.


Kent Glaser

Associate Principal/Athletic Director

Gardner Edgerton High School