Cross Country 2019

Eudora Meet Information

Thursday, October 6th, 2016

Location:  Eudora Middle School, 2635 Church St, Eudora, KS 66025

Fun Run: There will be a 1 mile race at 5:30 for any K-8 non-cross country runners.  Other schools are invited to participate.  Top 3 boys & 3 girls medal.

7th Grade Girls 4:00
7th Grade Boys 4:15
8th Grade Girls 4:30
8th Grade Boys 5:00
Fun Run   5:30  
Frontier League Awards 5:45

All races will run ahead of schedule if possible.

Inclement weather schedule:
7th Grade Girls & Boys 4:00
8th Grade Girls & Boys 4:15
Fun Run 4:50
(The Fun Run could be cancelled if we need to get the 7-8 races done)

Restrooms: Located at the baseball/softball complex or inside EMS using the backside commons door.  Enter through the patio doors. NO SPIKES IN THE BUILDING

Medals for the Invitational: Will be handed out in the chute as runners finish (top 15 in 7G, 7B, 8G, 8B).

League medals: League medals and ribbons will be presented to the top 10 runners in 7G, 7B, 8G, 8B (top 3 receive medals, 4th-10th receive ribbons) at the awards ceremony.